Everything’s coming up roses -and we will not be angry about it! The poor old roses often gain a reputation for being a cheesy, very traditional choice when it comes to wedding flowers. But these blooms are many go-to of a bride for one reason: First, they are really gorgeous! (Clear, right?) Plus, do not let the classic flower condition fool you. There are countless ways to rock a bouquet that is fresh, modern, and totally different.

A bouquet should always show the person carrying it, and from the large, green rose to the garden to the fine variety of spray, there is a rose for those of all kind of bride-trust. For classic brides, there is nothing wrong with standard red or white roses. A symbol of emotional love and purity, they are perfect for weddings (especially those who fall on Valentine’s Day). And with flowing ribbons, lush vegetables, or an overwhelming, overflowing, bushy bouquet, this traditional look is really a kind.

Garden roses in creamy, soft pastel hues feature unremarkable feminine women for romantic and elegant brides, who can interact with a bundle of plants to give the bouquet a more natural look. But do not think that the rosy blooms are all pretty blushes and off-white.

Boho’s witches can also attach roses to their wedding mixing by pouring loose dreamy flowers, dark, colored, unexpected presses such as succulents, and plant decomposition in one hand -gathering for a surprising outcome of the uprising.

With so many awesome colors, shapes, and unexpected textures, there’s so much soft room for creativity with this flower! To prove that there are still tons of exciting ways to include the roses in your wedding bouquet, we find 32 of our favorite mixed fixes.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to stop and smell the roses! Browse below to see our fave rose wedding bouquets.

source: http://www.brides.com/gallery/rose-wedding-bouquets

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